Hemlock Middle School and High School teamed up with local law enforcement agencies recently to bring their full contingent of the Saginaw Valley Canine Association into the schools. Saginaw and Bay County Sheriff’s Departments, Saginaw Township Police Department, and coordination with Richland Township’s Police Department Working Together to Keep Our Kids Safe.
The schools practiced safety drills before the dogs’ arrival and continued throughout the visit. Students were able to have a question and answer segment, as well.
Principal Green noted, “We are thankful for this free service to keep our schools safe and drug- free.”
Hemlock Middle School, also, conducted visits regarding internet and phone safety with an important message from Richland Township’s Officer Whitney and Officer Pitt, who works for several law enforcement agencies to fight technology-based crimes. They both did a great job explaining to our students how data storage and retrieval work on social media, phones, and other devices.
Principal Keyser stated, “I believe a big lesson the students took away with them from this assembly was nothing ever disappears from the Internet, and nothing is secret.”