
Leadership Profile: Rick Crofoot, HPSD Building and Grounds Director 

Leading in good times is a challenge; leading over the last year is more than that; it is multi-faceted with moving targets and dealing with difficult circumstances and people, which for some starts in the morning when they look in the mirror.

The leadership of Rick Crofoot, Hemlock Public School District Building and Grounds Director, through the school shut down, return to learn plan, and more have helped keep our school district operational.

We, like many, have experienced some minor levels of disruption and problems, whether that be the phantom squirrel this past fall or other things. It is that "can do" attitude that has helped our district keep moving forward. It is the hard work of our custodial and maintenance team and our Building and Grounds Director Rick Crofoot that brings that "can do" attitude to work every day that keeps us operational. 

Superintendent Don Killingbeck said, “Rick is always working to make things better; his tireless efforts can be seen throughout the district as he works and coordinates various projects with vendors always with students, staff, district, and the community's best interest at heart." 

Rick has a wealth of experience and started with the district as a custodian before transferring to the maintenance department and assuming the role of Building and Grounds Director a few years ago. 

For those interested in working in the building and grounds department, they should contact the district at (989) 642-5282 and start their journey today.