
Dear Huskie Pack, 

We want to continue to communicate with you during our shutdown and provide the most current information possible. 

As many of you already know, Governor Whitmer has extended the school shut down until Monday, April 13th and issued a stay at home order. Based on the recent turn of events, our school shutdown may be extended for a longer duration or perhaps all the way until the end of the school year. 

Our commitment to our students and families remains unchanged at this time; we will continue to work and provide the best possible solutions as we work together to find the right answers. 

If our face to face instruction is shut down through the end of the school year,  we will work to address things like grade progression, graduation, events (prom, plays, sports, graduation ceremony), and more with the best interest of our students and families at the forefront of our decision-making process. 

Foodservice continues even during spring break, but with some modifications to our program moving forward. We are serving Monday- Wednesday - Friday from 10 AM to 12 noon with parents pull up to door #29 on the east of Hemlock Middle School for curbside service. 

This is our scheduled spring break (3/30-4/3), so our online learning is on pause to allow students and families an opportunity to catch up and enjoy even more family together. 

If you should have questions or concerns, please reach out to our building principals so that we can know how to best meet your needs. 

Elementary/KC Ling - gensch@hemlockps.com  

Middle School - keyser@hemlockps.com  

High School - green@hemlockps.com 

Special Education - buchman@hemlockps.com

Again, we know this is not business as usual for us, so if you have a special education child or one with a 504 and have concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to their service provider or our Special Education Supervisor, Scott Buchman.

These are uncharted territories that we are travel together. As a community, we can make sure that we have the best possible outcomes. 

All the best, 

Don Killingbeck, Supt. 

#huskietastic  #StayHome #SchoolsGetitDone